Monday, 20 August 2012


Dazzling damsels light up the street,
Puffs of smoke encircle to haze.
Shots of tequila down your throat,
A forbidden thought resurfaces.

Zillions of unwired restless fragments
Buzz across your tired eyes.
Flakes and ashes rain on you,
Yet, you remain placid.

Consciousness and thoughtlessness seem to fuse
A weird mirage of tranquility
Though desperation lurks deep within.
Like a parasite, it consumes you : its host.

Many a rugged miseries,
Slash you through whilst you whine in pain…
No one to hear your qualms.
And no alchemist bears a cure.

So futile, you begin to wonder,
If tendrils that hold your life together rot away with time,
Or become stronger to keep your fragile pieces bound :
A stronger apparel clogged on.

In fleeting moments of laughter,
Or in stabilized fixtures and dilated pupils,
Were moments of life defined…
Plethora of ambiguities cloud your mind.

Bullet holed walls start to cave in,
Premature thoughts start to fade.
Crashing screeches, voices aloud
Only such a peripheral mould.

Vows and ties break down,
Promises : a flimsy word.
There seem to be multiple shades
Encapsulated in one.

Hidden by outer realms,
Heated furnace within awaits to perforate.
Time stretched, time spun faster, time warped
And yet you remain unaware.

Scintillating dots in air,
Hover in a cheesy mimicry
Befuddling your little brain…
As shadows of past begin to reappear.

A lost track and a wrong decision bloat into prominence,
Incompetence and loneliness reigns.
Silent stupor whips you through
Numbness begins to crawl in steady.

Caged are your thoughts and imprisoned is thy soul
By rebellion that despises sanity.
Darkening horizons diffuse your identity
Into a rugged maze.

Whimsical winds seep into you,
Turbulent roars heighten with uneven breaths.
Language falters to communicate
Momentary perplexities you face.

Colours retreat to land of no-return,
Sounds retrace back to their origin.
Recurring phases of the same,
Unanswered : they seize you several times.

A passing silhouette draws you in
Playing with your numbed wits.
Fate and you tacitly agree
To no hope in such a drugged fallacy.

With eyes shut, you see no more,
Ears plugged, you hear no more.
As soliloquy thoughts turn mute,
Neurons short-circuit no more.

Tornadoes and El-NiƱo currents of yours
Subside with only a memory of a nightmare.
As rays of sun slit across the sky
And golden horizon encompasses you :

You reincarnate as the bird with powerful wings that soar,
As the ubiquitous air breathing life to all,
As the rain that enlivens the soul,
As stars which enchant melodiously.