Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Flickering lights…
Secret shadows…

They prance about in a lonely street…

Wisps of smoke…
Silent gaze
That chokes your throat…

Splintered fires…
Hollow screams…
Muted monotony..

Sluggish sleep
Incognito dream of fantasies…

Chains clatter
Drugged walk of loneliness falters..

Black, the only colour…

Rusted locked doors..
Roads of a maze…

Slash of knife…
Coldness swiped…
A warm teardrop across the naked skin…

Rugged roads,
Screeching metals…
Dizzied fair of trade…

Gushed whirlpool of crushed identities…

Blue blood
Dripping through melting ice…

Starry skies and distant love…
Moonless night, no one to hug…

Cocooned wings,
Unable to free…
Open wings
Unable to soar…

Stifled breath…
Perspiring wet,
No one to save…

Glossed masks
Stitched smiles
Only too fragile…

Ticking brain
And chiming clocks…
Scarred heart,
Deranged numbness…

Equinox in balance…
The tap of water in ocean,
A lost drop
Bemused at its death.

Jittering pulses,
Muscles ripple….
Incontrollable poignancy
Startles no more…

Blinding flashes,
Head afloat…
Squirms of uneasiness
With hypnotic ego…

Clucking skeletons,
Jarred bare bones with no story to hide…
Sliding metal bars,
Misunderstood words slash upon…

Dreamy weavers,
Warp and woof…
Bright colours
Awake only to shadows of past…

Silky waves,
Smoothened talks
Only too fake,
Pejorative brittleness they fail to see.

Robotic stance,
Withered flesh,
Monotony redeemed
In virtual death.

Malignant laughter stain
Cloaks of everyday chore…
Echoing shrieks
Nightmares dissolve into reality.

Dissipating rumbles
Creaking windows….
Forced resonance
Disarraying spins…

Knotted redundancies
Loose strength and shred…
Overpowering  glaze of betrayal
Blind innocent eyes…

Expansive whiteness
Sheathes you in thoughtlessness…
A moment unrealized
Hours lost in search of it…


They prance about in a lonely street…

You and me,
Strangers in the labyrinth we weave…


To our dreams and ourselves,
We keep running in this self-made maze,
Only to realize it’s a circle in the end.


To the exponentially expanding cosmos
We pretend to live.


We are, to life itself.

Monday, 20 August 2012


Dazzling damsels light up the street,
Puffs of smoke encircle to haze.
Shots of tequila down your throat,
A forbidden thought resurfaces.

Zillions of unwired restless fragments
Buzz across your tired eyes.
Flakes and ashes rain on you,
Yet, you remain placid.

Consciousness and thoughtlessness seem to fuse
A weird mirage of tranquility
Though desperation lurks deep within.
Like a parasite, it consumes you : its host.

Many a rugged miseries,
Slash you through whilst you whine in pain…
No one to hear your qualms.
And no alchemist bears a cure.

So futile, you begin to wonder,
If tendrils that hold your life together rot away with time,
Or become stronger to keep your fragile pieces bound :
A stronger apparel clogged on.

In fleeting moments of laughter,
Or in stabilized fixtures and dilated pupils,
Were moments of life defined…
Plethora of ambiguities cloud your mind.

Bullet holed walls start to cave in,
Premature thoughts start to fade.
Crashing screeches, voices aloud
Only such a peripheral mould.

Vows and ties break down,
Promises : a flimsy word.
There seem to be multiple shades
Encapsulated in one.

Hidden by outer realms,
Heated furnace within awaits to perforate.
Time stretched, time spun faster, time warped
And yet you remain unaware.

Scintillating dots in air,
Hover in a cheesy mimicry
Befuddling your little brain…
As shadows of past begin to reappear.

A lost track and a wrong decision bloat into prominence,
Incompetence and loneliness reigns.
Silent stupor whips you through
Numbness begins to crawl in steady.

Caged are your thoughts and imprisoned is thy soul
By rebellion that despises sanity.
Darkening horizons diffuse your identity
Into a rugged maze.

Whimsical winds seep into you,
Turbulent roars heighten with uneven breaths.
Language falters to communicate
Momentary perplexities you face.

Colours retreat to land of no-return,
Sounds retrace back to their origin.
Recurring phases of the same,
Unanswered : they seize you several times.

A passing silhouette draws you in
Playing with your numbed wits.
Fate and you tacitly agree
To no hope in such a drugged fallacy.

With eyes shut, you see no more,
Ears plugged, you hear no more.
As soliloquy thoughts turn mute,
Neurons short-circuit no more.

Tornadoes and El-Niño currents of yours
Subside with only a memory of a nightmare.
As rays of sun slit across the sky
And golden horizon encompasses you :

You reincarnate as the bird with powerful wings that soar,
As the ubiquitous air breathing life to all,
As the rain that enlivens the soul,
As stars which enchant melodiously.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Was life an arduous journey to a pre-known outcome,
Or was it a never ending wait, for it to begin…

Was it: in forgetting our ultimate fate,
Or was it to realize the beauty withheld in the little beads strung by a weary thread…

Was it a cycle, of birth and death, of love and hate, of an induced contrast essential for everyday living,
Or was it to realize the tranquility in omnipresent transience itself… 

Was it to fill pages of diary in secrecy, yet wanting to be heard and understood,
Or was it to fake the world from your inner being: hiding an identity you fear to lose…

Was it in, lost moments of past you yearn for, or prediction of future: an arrow of time that you could never comprehend,
Or was it a forced fallacy to maintain a perfect harmony…

Was it constant search for unanswered questions,
Or was it inherent to question and seek…

Was it just to satisfy the overtly flamboyant senses,
Or was it complex: that which satisfied every emotions absence…

Was it a synchronized time machine that would move back and forth only to die a certain day,
Or was it mystically enveloped in magic that guided its work…

Was life a foretold tale,
Or was it waiting to be unwrapped by our own hands that mould….

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Long Halts...

Blank pages stare back at me
Empty walls start to collapse.

Abundant letters of knowledge remain afloat,
Like blurred mirage of that which seems to exist…

Swiftness slides pass,
Deluding consciousness to static naïve realism…

Brightened periphery, 
Overshadows the hollowness within…

Secret chained words resist speech,
Scarred soul tries to break free…

Juxtaposed with preposterous confusion,
Of wildering thoughts and emotions…

Poignant stagnancy,
A malediction against drifting time… 

A frozen past jailed in memory,
Prances over present disharmony…

Maligned by unexpressed emotions and resistant thoughts,
No door remains to be unlocked…

Armoured glory in hopeful recitals of inspiration,
Yet crashing incompetence mauls over…

Toxic drugs lose their effectiveness,
Leaving behind crumpled ashes of inexistence…

Lights aglow too bright,
But darkness moans a louder call…

A moment of resilience and a charming excitement, 
Too micro in the infinite void space…

In the waves of starlight gaze,
I sway,
Deluded in monochrome of silence,
Serenaded in an incongruent state…

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Slit through mortal flesh...

There are moments,
When something passes right through you….

And leaves you startled…

Was it just a passing moment,
Or a knife slicing through you….

You seat yourself in a corner,
The ground beneath, the only support…

Fragile transience gives you hope,
The same which took away what you held some seconds ago….

The wavering heat waves of future and past 
Interplay to form an inconceivable amalgam….

One that leaves you startled…

Your friends shout out your name,
Your parents try to shake you to consciousness,
But you are lost away,
In a perplexed island of volcanic thoughts and dreams….

What you have is lost,
What you lost is what you yearn…

The wait is torturous,
Everyday, you shove into shallow waters
Deluding yourself into presumptive contentment…

And then the hole inside burns,
You need the ground beneath to stable your wavering thoughts…

Sometimes it crashes….

The world within,
And the world outside….

Sometimes the strong cover of yours,
Melts into an underlying fear….

Fear of being faded
From your true self,
Fear of being faded 
From yourself…

The changing realities shape into mazes
That entrap your free soul,
Silence only speaks more of what you lack…
Every tear, drops into another ocean of despaired souls,
You find yourself crucified 
Between the mortals of day and ghosts of night…

There is no identity in the smiling faces of daylight :
Momentary and transient,
There is no identity in the mortified souls that crib,
More permanent and overpowering… 

But you fit none… 

You try to seek,
What the rest never saw,
Only to realize it was already too crowded 
Your heart reaches out to excel,
But sometimes its all too alone…

Engulfed in a world 
That understands too less,
Or understands too much…

There’s a carved out space
For something that isn’t there,
There are moments you forget about it,
But there are moments when that something passes right through you…
And you realize where you are lost…

Sometimes it’s too hard to take in,
What you should and shouldn’t…

Indecisiveness gnaws the clockworks of neurons,
The empty space within reaches out to your throat…

Twinkling light of hope,
Leaves you in darkness which only lights up at moments…

A tunnel too long,
A road seemingly endless,

A walk too meaningless…

You keep trying nevertheless,
You keep walking and searching nevertheless…
At times too robotic,
At times too caged and restricted,

But at times too glorious
That blinds you from your struggle…

And even your torturous step becomes one of your own… 
Every breath of yours, flowers the untread path with life,
Every walk becomes one of your own… 

The world shall laugh,
The world shall cry,
The world shall stare,
The world shall ignore….

But your life is only your own… 

Of the dreams you seek,
Of moments that pass,
That will enliven or distraught 
Is after all, your own… 

My life, my own…

Secrets of my life,
Bounded by the pages I write,
But free by the ink that flows… 

Monday, 2 January 2012

The Road That Spoke...

I stared at the road while mum and aunt talked about an old woman’s life who’d visited our home the other day… 

The same road the woman had walked all her past years, 
The same road that witnessed her through the happier and worst of times… 

The same road that breathed the life of so many other people… 

A kid’s excited run towards home,
Or of one running away from an abusive household unable to bear the burden of another feeding mouth… 

A clerk returning home on the 1st day of the month, happily carrying samosas for his family with his monthly wage,
Or of a drunk man in the dark hours of night, wailing and crying for the ones he lost in an accident… 

The same road a young couple walked laughing and sharing stories,
Or of an old widowed women seen as a mad woman just because she talked aloud in the night thinking her lover’s spirit would hear her out… 

The same road traversed by a rickshaw puller whose hands strained and sweat trickled but kept silent while he pulled the burden to take off his,
Or by a thief who tiptoed slicing through the silence, who’d now found an easier life… 

The same road where an innocent heart shaped into a crude one with the harsh difficulties of life,
Or of an insensitive soul who’d transformed into an enlightened one… 

The same road that hid its different shades beneath the grey, 
The same road which had pebbles both round and coarse, 
The same road that spoke of a million lives…. 
The same road that spoke of all walks of life…. 
The same road that spoke of every walk of different lives… 
The same road to that’d push you to run past, 
The same road that’ll invite you to sit and observe….  

And as if the road spoke,
Of all the voices that treaded its bareness… 

Every step, 
A recorded memory…
Secrets locked in delusional simplicity… 

Amidst the infinite voices I heard,
I heard the old woman’s faint prayers…
Her struggle through the only one life she had breathed,
But content in her memories’ constant companion… 
The faint prayers with a fainter smile…
Spoke louder than all the voices I had heard…


My eyes changed since then, 
They never wore the same shade of black…
The horizon now stretched…

Every walk wasn't just my own…